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Rockin session with Brooke Kinsey | utah fashion photographer

It’s always fun working with other photographers and last night I was fortunate enough to work with Brooke Kinsey from Blush Photography. She’s been bugging me (hahaha) for the past couple of months to get her in front of my camera and yesterday it finally happened. My good friend Rhett drove up from Spanish Fork to help me out with the shoot and we all had a blast!

Many of you may know B and you may even be one of the thousands of blog stalkers that visit her blog everyday. Well… Here is a peek at the images we captured during her shoot.

Let me know what you think! Make sure you visit her blog and leave a comment… and mention that you saw her images on my blog… it’ll make her smile.

Real lens flare baby!

March 1, 2009 - 5:50 pm Cathy Crawley - Wow, the third photo is pure awesomness Ryan! What a great session!

February 27, 2009 - 10:27 am Ryan Christensen - Thanks ladies! Brooke's a handful (LOL) but I think we got some AWESOME shots!

Brooke... you know I'm teasing you... you rocked the shoot! I will let you know about our family portraits... I talked to Becca about it last night and we will be in touch.

February 27, 2009 - 8:09 am Blush - thanks so much ryan! Im sorry you had to work with me ....cause Im a girl and girls are well.....girls lol! but I wont ever let you live down the lighting you made me get ready in ..ew lol and tht I brought all my shoes for nothing! let me know when you want your little familys photos done :) B

February 27, 2009 - 7:02 am Tiffany Rushforth Photography - Fantastic shots Ryan!!!

February 27, 2009 - 6:41 am Jen V - Awesome shots Ryan. Great Work!

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