I had an awesome fitness shoot this past weekend with some… shall I say perfect specimen. Aubrie and Matt are scheduled to compete in the NGA fitness competition in a couple of weeks and judging by their looks, their competitors should be very nervous! After working with these two, I feel like a fat old Continue reading →
Monthly Archives: March 2009
And her name is…
First I want to thank you all for the great suggestions, Becca and I really enjoyed hearing them! Three days after her birth we have finally decided on a name for our new baby girl. This is a trend with Becca and I, it took us about 10 days to decide on Ayden’s name. A Continue reading →
It’s a Guuurl… She’s got kung-fu!
Last Friday the 13th Becca had our new baby girl! We are so excited to finally have our new addition here… seems like we have been waiting forever… well at least 9 months. We chose not to find out what we were having which made for a fun surprise when she was born. We still Continue reading →
Becca + Labor = Hours in the hospital
As a lot of you know, Becca is 9 months pregnant and the baby is breach. We came to the hospital today to see if Becca’s Dr. could turn our baby. The baby turn was successful and now we wait. Looks like it’s going to be a Friday the 13th baby… we can’t wait to Continue reading →
mammoth men party take 2 | utah wedding and portrait photographer
Here are some more images from the crazy mammoth men party! These guys will do anything for a photo! My friend Rhett. New friend Justin. Justin Neal Lyon Jeff Newsom… check out his work… he’s AWESOME!