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Behind The Scenes At A Stock Shoot

It’s been a crazy year. We sold our house back in January and have been living with family for the past 10 months while we looked at over 400 houses trying to find the right one. We had 4 different offers that we submitted during the past 10 months and all of them were on short sales or foreclosures and all of them fell through. We finally closed on a house this past week and now we have a ton of remodeling to do before we move in. Our hope is to be in before Christmas… wish us luck!

On top of all that I have been shooting and working myself to death. I realized the other day that I have completely neglected my blog since July… who does that? Bad blogger, bad blogger!

Anyway, I have a ton of stuff to post. Here is a behind the scenes look at a stock shoot I did a few months back. If you are one of my facebook friends you have probably already seen this but I wanted link to it on my blog as well for all of my readers (all 4 of you… lol).

I want to thank each one of the models and stylists I worked with on the shoot, you guys are AWESOME! Thanks for picking up the video camera and capturing some footage to make this video possible.

Images in my stock portfolio can be view and purchased at

**note:  If you can’t see the video above it’s probably because your firewall is blocking it.  If you are at work, try again when you get home.

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