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becca | utah photographer

I look forward to the days that I get to spend with my family. You know, those days when you have nowhere to be and no plans. Kids running in and out of the house each trip ends with the door left wide open because their hands are full of the sugar snacks they just pillaged from the pantry. Yeah, those are the days that I love the most. Today just happened to be one of those days and it was AWESOME!!! I got to spend some much needed time with my super sexy wife Becca and our amazing offspring 🙂 We just hung out all day, took two walks… oh yeah and did a quick photoshoot.

Becca is not only the sexiest woman on the planet, she is also my muse! I keep trying to talk her into shooting with me, hopefully one of these days she will!!!

Utah Fashion Photographer - Innovative Photography
Utah Fashion Photographer - Innovative Photography
Utah Fashion Photographer - Innovative Photography
Utah Fashion Photographer - Innovative Photography

Peek-a-boo, I see me.
Utah Fashion Photographer - Innovative Photography

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