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fitness shoot in studio | utah fitness photographer

I had an awesome fitness shoot this past weekend with some… shall I say perfect specimen. Aubrie and Matt are scheduled to compete in the NGA fitness competition in a couple of weeks and judging by their looks, their competitors should be very nervous!

After working with these two, I feel like a fat old man!

Visit Aubrie’s facebook fan page and cheer her on!!

Here is a quick peak at some of the images from their shoot.

Oh yeah… and they happen to be dating!

March 31, 2009 - 11:29 am Nikki - is that you drooling or just me?

March 30, 2009 - 3:36 pm Rhett Olson - Holy Moly!

March 30, 2009 - 6:38 am Tiffany Rushforth Photography - My abs look like that too, I just keep them protected by a few layers of flab! :)
These are awesome!

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