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my baby’s 1

One year ago Becca and I sat in the delivery room at the hospital waiting to find out if our new baby was a boy or a girl. With our first two children we decided to find out their gender at their ultrasounds. With Ireland we decided that since we had one boy and one girl we figured we would wait for the 9 months and be surprised. It drove Becca crazy to wait because she wanted to know so bad. Up until she was delivered I thought for sure she was a boy… we had a boy name already picked out. When she was delivered and the doctor asked me to announce her as a girl I couldn’t speak. I kept looking for the boy part but I couldn’t see it. It wasn’t that I was disappointed… it’s just that I was so convinced that she was going to be a boy. Once I finally got the words out of my mouth… “It’s a girl”… we could hear the cheers from our family. It took us four days to pick out a name for her but we finally did. I am so thankful that I was wrong… and I am eternally grateful for this little bundle of joy and the blessing that she is in my life.

I love you so much princess!

These were taken last night through the glass at the ice rink with available light.
ISO 1250, 1/125, f/2.8

Cute birthday girl
Cute Birthday Girl

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